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How to grow a super-fit business

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Running Time: 8:00

Date: 01/06/2014

Stay disciplined if you're planning to grow fast without falling over.

When Adrian McFedreies joined Jetts Fitness, the plan was always to strive for rapid growth in the highly competitive gym industry. But as Adrian tells us, a lot of discipline was needed to keep that growth under control.

Investing ahead of the curve was really important to make sure the right support infrastructure was in place. Another key was remaining lean and using technology to increase efficiency.

Jetts has grown swiftly and sustainably to 250 clubs around Australia. Adrian's advice to others looking to grow fast is to know your speciality well, always manage cash flow vigilantly and remember, it's all about people - so select them carefully.


Topics: Business Growth, Franchising, Leadership, Management, Success Stories

Adrian McFedries, Jetts Fitness Group