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How To Defuse Angry Encounters At Work

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Running Time: 9:37

Date: 01/06/2012

Anger can be destructive in a workplace. Understand the warning signs - and how to deal with it.

There can be many causes of anger in the workplace - from interpersonal conflicts to a sense of injustice or improper treatment - says workplace psychologist Leanne Faraday-Brash of Brash Consulting. The warning signs won't always be obvious, but a mutually-supportive culture in the workplace can go a long way towards detecting problems and helping to deal with them. Leanne says it's not always necessary for managers to intervene, but if they do they should confront the issues, not the person, and not take sides unless there's a clear case of bad behaviour or wrongdoing. But where bullying, sexual harassment or discrimination are involved, there are legal, as well as moral, imperatives for becoming involved.


Topics: Human Resources, Management

Leanne Faraday-Brash, Brash Consulting