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The Legal Risks Of Social Networking

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Date: 01/09/2011

Are your clients sure what their employees are saying on social media pages, and are they prepared for the legal problems that can arise?

The relentless advance of social media into our working and private lives is changing the way the workplace is defined - employers may be liable for derogatory comments posted outside working hours if they refer to colleagues, contractors or customers. Joydeep Hor, of People + Culture Strategies, says cases are already reaching the courts, and results so far are mixed. To avoid potential legal problems, he recommends that businesses have a written policy on the use of social media, and ensure employees are aware of it and of the consequences of overstepping the boundaries. And, if employers use information from social sites in choosing candidates for jobs, they must make sure they don't infringethe anti-discrimination laws.


Topics: Human Resources

Joydeep Hor, People + Culture Strategies