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Why Economic Indicators Matter

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Date: 01/09/2011

The acronyms beloved by economists can be baffling, but the things they stand for are important to you and your business. Here's why.

GDP, CPI, PPI and the rest - we hear them often, but what do they mean and do they have any bearing on what's happening to our businesses? Our regular economist Professor Neville Norman, of Melbourne University, says they do and takes time out from his regular beat to explain why. He uses a range of indicators - a 7-point check-list - to assess the performance of the economy and predict where it's going next. Activity indicators, inflationary pressures, interest and exchange rates and various aspects of government policy all have their roles to play. Understanding them - and their relation to your business - can make decision-making a more straightforward process, however volatile the conditions of the day.


Topics: Economy

Professor Neville Norman, Melbourne University