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Traps To Avoid In Online Trading

Date: 06/07/2010

You may be trading online, but you're not above the law - the Trade Practices Act still applies.

Online trading offers great opportunities for businesses and their customers, but there are traps for the unwary. Dr Michael Schaper, deputy chair of the ACCC, tells us that business people must remember that the normal rules of retailing - and the provisions of the Trade Practices act - still apply. Goods must be fit for their intended purpose and be of merchandisable quality. And all the normal rules about warranties and refunds are still in effect. Customers may find it harder to enforce their rights if the supplier is based overseas, out of the jurisdiction of Australian courts. But where the supplier is Australia-based, Consumer Affairs Departments and the ACCC? can assist both in advising businesses on proper practice and dealing with legitimate complaints.


Topics: Business Processes, Customer Service, Management

Dr. Michael Schaper, ACCC