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Introduction February 2025

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Date: 01/02/2025

Now that this new year is well underway, we've been talking to the Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry about how 2025 will play out.

Andrew McKellar, who is the Chamber's CEO, takes us through the economic and political issues we'll all be facing. We also speak with the Australian Small Business and Family Enterprise Ombudsman, Bruce Billson, who says Australia is sleepwalking into a big business economy. He's come up with a 14-point plan to reverse the decline of small businesses. CEO and Founder of Grow Capital, Gus Gilkeson, tells us about a post-COVID tax office crackdown on SMEs. Employment lawyer and co-founder of Edge Legal David Dilger describes his four management archetypes, and Michael Black, the 20-something Founder and CEO of Success Tutoring, explains what he calls his "flat franchising" model that frees franchisees. The Founder and CEO of the Safe Watch mental health app, Shane Muller, says there are practical ways for small business owners and managers to support mental health in the workplace. Conflict coach and author Genevieve Hawkins teaches us how to address the elephant in the room, and, finally, Aaron McEwen, the Vice President of Research and Advisory for Gartner, injects a bit of reality into what he describes the "hype" around artificial intelligence.