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Economy 2014: Take The Bull By The Horns!

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Running Time: 6:56

Date: 01/01/2014

It's now or never for the Coalition government to fix our fiscal woes. But will they flunk it instead?

If there's one critical date in the 2014 calendar, respected economist Professor Neville Norman points directly to the month of May and the delivery of the Coalition's first Federal budget.This will provide the Government's big opportunity to fix the country's fiscal woes - though it will take brave steps to achieve it.

Will the Government "take the bull by the horns" to fix the economy, or will they flunk it? Neville fears the latter - he gives Treasurer Joe Hockey a 30% chance of taking the one step that will solve the Government's debt problems. He needs to provide a substantial hike in the GST. Just a few months to go and we'll find out how brave Joe's prepared to be.


Topics: Economy

Professor Neville Norman, Melbourne University